QRP International also offers Virtual Training with the KMO-Portefeuille

QRP International offers her training also through the KMO-Portefeuille for the clients that have the possibility to benefit from this measure. Important to note is that the training must be followed by an approved training organization, like QRP International. More info on how it works you can find on: https://www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/kmo-portefeuille.
The “KMO Portefeuille” is a measure that gives you – as an entrepreneur – financial support for the purchase of services that improve the quality of your company. Specifically, these services are training and advisory services, such as one of the QRP courses, onsite as well as virtual
The “KMO Portefeuille” was adjusted on 1 December 2019. Since then, a small company can receive 30% aid, a medium-sized company 20%. Since 1 January 2020, the maximum aid ceiling per year is EUR 7,500
QRP International offers also Virtual Training with the KMO-Portefeuille
Order the courses of your choice, up to 25.000 € (Small Company) and 50.000 € (Medium-Size Company). We will send you an official invoice.
Announce your training at: http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/themas/kmo-portefeuille. Pay the VAT amount (21%) directly to SMME. Pay your share of the training into your KMO-portefeuille (wallet). The Flemish government will pay its share of the training into your KMO-portefeuille (this is done immediately and automatically). Send payment to SMME from your KMO-portefeuille.
For more information on how the KMO-Portfolio grant works and the latest updated information: https://www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/kmo-portefeuille/subsidies-aanvragen-en-ontvangen
Other subsidies
There are more subsidies you can use to finance your training next to the KMO-Portefeuille. For example Cheque-Formation or Co-Valent. For more information, click here.
Further Information
Visit our Open Course or Virtual Classroom page to see our schedule of courses, dates and locations, or contact us!