QRP International is mobilizing for Pink October

Every year in October, the teams of the QRP Group, QRP International and QRPeople unite their forces to raise awareness for breast cancer.
This year, we handed out “handmade” creations of Charlène and Manon from Atelier Celcius to have our employees proudly wear Pink October pins. In this way, QRP participates in its own way to support and raise awareness of the campaign against breast cancer. All profits of the pins are donated to the Breast Cancer Research.
Why Pink October?
Belgium has the highest rate of breast cancer in the world. It affects 11,000 women, which means 1 out of 8. The objective of Pink October is an organized screening programme within your country in order to detect breast cancer early and reduce mortality. If breast cancer is detected early, it can be cured in almost 90% of the cases.
Pink October is a prevention campaign highlighting the risks of breast cancer and promoting scientific research as well as support for women and men (yes, men too!) who unfortunately are affected by this medical condition.
Through our initiative (and all those organized around the world), we like to promote breast cancer screening.