Transparency in Project Management

Date: 05/09/2023| Category: Project Management|

The word transparency within a project can be defined as ‘the quality of being carried out openly, without secrets’. In the realm of projects and processes, it means managing a project in which all team members can access all relevant information easily and efficiently.

In project management, it also means that employees have quick and easy access to project documentation and the information they need to complete their tasks. At the same time, all resources working on the project have an accurate and real-time understanding of the status of work completion within the project. For this reason, project transparency leads to better results for both the team and the project itself.

A project becomes transparent if the following characteristics are met:

  • Team members can easily access and work with project data, regardless of where they are located
  • It is ensured that the data are accurate and provided by official sources.
  • There is an increased understanding of the project
  • Increased team productivity
  • Greater accountability among team members
  • Transparent communication

Centralised project documentation

When it comes to moving projects forward and making progress, all team members must have access to the information they need to effectively complete tasks.

For example, if team members discover a problem and need project information, good project transparency will ensure that they have this information at their fingertips. The last thing you want is for these team members to start contacting other employees in search of the relevant information they need to successfully complete their tasks.

What is the solution? One could use a centralised digital system to store information relevant to a project. With everything in one place, team members can quickly access information without slowing down their workflows or interrupting others. Project completion software can store all project-related documentation and assign it to objects or systems.

Real time project tracking

Successful projects are always the result of good planning, scheduling and reporting. And it is difficult to arrive at a good final project without all these factors.

If an organisation is unable to keep track of project progress due to inaccurate reporting, resources will find it difficult to plan the next phase of the project. Without precise planning, the scheduling of teams, employees and resources will not be accurate. It will therefore create delays and overruns. Especially when there are project issues that need to be resolved.

With a transparent project, resources will always have their finger on the pulse of the project. They will know exactly the status of the project and will be able to plan and schedule in advance. As a result, they minimise the risk of workflow disruptions and delays.

Increased trust and team productivity

Just as consumers are likely to become loyal to a brand that offers transparency, project team members are likely to trust each other, their project manager and other stakeholders more if transparency is supported and encouraged in the team and organisation. Everyone knows that any information that is needed and deemed important will be available and shared openly to enable everyone to do their job well. Furthermore, resources are inclined to offer help and give their best because they believe in what they are doing and know that the success of the team or organisation is also their individual success.

A productive team is able to achieve more than expected. When one team member performs better than others, transparency helps to show this. He or she may perform better perhaps because of better skills, better technical abilities or a better understanding of what he or she has to do. In turn, this team member can act as a coach for the other members, so that everyone works at a more or less equal pace. In this way, the work of those who have made a greater contribution is recognised and the other team members get an upgrade in their knowledge or skills. The overall effect is greater productivity for the entire team and a better chance of success for the project.

Another important aspect of transparency is the freedom to provide feedback without fear of embarrassment or retaliation. Part of project management is to encourage and formalise feedback. This can reveal inefficiencies in current processes and help revive discussions on how best to move forward in a way that benefits everyone. The team needs to feel comfortable talking, which is a direct result of how empowered employees are to talk.

Transparency in Project Management

Transparency in project management can bring many benefits to a company. It can keep the team aligned, build trust and create a well-organised work culture.

In order for employees to feel ownership of the vision of each project and to be inspired throughout the process, efficient project management practices must be prioritised to help create this kind of success.

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