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Change Management

Understanding Kurt Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change

Every business is affected by change. To understand how to maximise its implementation, we refer to one of the cornerstone frameworks of Organisational Change Management: Kurt Lewin's 3-Stage Model of Change. Read our blog and learn more!
Date: 03/09/2024| Category: Best Practices Glossary| Tags:

Change Management meets communication – interview with Chiara Badini

In this interview, Chiara Badini talked to us about how she incorporated the Change Mangement framework into her daily work and made an analysis for us of future trends in communication and how this area will change in the near future.
Date: 14/09/2021| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags:

Change Management vs Agile Change Agent

Change Management courses exist to support organizational change to make sure that employees are guided through their change journey. There are many different courses out there, for example Change Management by APMG and Agile Change Agent by APMG. The objective is the same, sustaining change, but the approach is different. Why and what are the other differences? Read on!
Date: 13/07/2021| Category: FAQ| Tags:

How to use mastery, purpose and autonomy to raise change engagement?

In an organisational change, a high level of involvement of resources is required that will have to change the way they work and do more of their business as usual. Trainer and expert Niels Van Bemmelen explains how to encourage participation in change with a vision and a map of benefits.
Date: 08/09/2020| Category: Change Management| Tags: ,


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